Practical Guide For Vitalizing Your 7 Energy Centers

ROOT/BASE: Anchoring Our Physical Foundation & Connecting With Mother Earth

First Energy Center:  Base Of The Spine

Physical Auric Body – Earth Element

As Earth is a home for our physical bodies, our physical body is the frame that houses our spirit.

Rooted deeply within Lady Gaia is the anchor of the physical body – Muladhara.  In Sanskrit, Muladhara means “root support” which opens downwards connecting us with the Earth.

The Root Chakra is concerned with physical needs and basic human survival.  It is the base (foundation) of our inner and outer development.  At the base chakra, we access the life-force that enlivens us both physically and spiritually.  The energy is the creative power of Spirit anchored in our physical bodies.

The base chakra represents the point where we connect with the world, with nature and with our environment.  Balancing the energies of this chakra is therefore fundamental to our practicality and effectiveness and wholeness.  Along with the soul chakra, the base also engenders the activity of procreation.  The archetype associated with the Root Chakra is The Earth Mother, universally associated with nourishment, caring and unconditional love.

The energy of earth is solid, stable and protective; it gives us shelter, food and clothing.  A well-grounded root chakra is abundant in vitality, security and longevity and warms us with a sense of calmness.  When this chakra is balanced, we feel connected to the physical world and our support systems are intact. 


Correspondences Of The Root (1st) Chakra

Sanskrit Name & Meaning:  Muladhara – Root Support

Location:  Base of Spine, Between Anus & Genitals

Associated Color:  Red

Main Issue:  Survival/Physical Needs

Glandular Connection:  Adrenals

Associated Body Parts:  Bones, Skeletal Structure

Element & Ruling Planet:  Earth – Saturn

Astrological Associations:  Capricorn

Associated Sense:  Smell

Incense/Oils:  Cedarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli

Crystals:  Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger’s Eye, Garnet, Ruby, Hematite, Onyx, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz

Associated Animal: Elephant

Archetypes:  Functional – Earth Mother / Dysfunctional – Victim

Societal Associations:  Tribal Power, Family Identity

Physical Dysfunctions:  Osteoarthritis

Emotional Dysfunctions:  Mental lethargy, “spaciness”, unfocused mind, incapable of inner stillness, difficulty achieving goals

Sacramental Association:  Baptism

Foods:  Proteins, Meats

Developmental Age & Life Lesson:  1-8 Years – Standing Up For Oneself





WOOD ELEMENT: Growing, Flexible, Rooted, Strong.

Wood is the most human of the elements.  It is the element of spring, and the creative urge to achieve.


A reverence for animals and an awareness of them as teachers and guides is as old as humanity itself.

Jen believes we need to fight to preserve our forests and wildlife and at the same time we need to connect to our spiritual roots so that we no longer feel alienated from the earth.